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Disease Prevention

Disease Prevention

Chronic diseases —including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer—account for some of the most common health problems in the United States, according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Yet many of these chronic diseases are preventable, as they’re linked to poor diet and lifestyle choices including tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and inadequate physical activity. 

You have the power to prevent chronic disease, by making positive diet and lifestyle changes to reduce your risk. Eating healthy foods, getting enough exercise, and refraining from tobacco and excessive alcohol use confer numerous health benefits— including possibly preventing the onset of chronic diseases.

Our Services

Heart Disease Prevention

Heart disease is the most common cause of death. Preventive cardiology is focused on lowering patients’ risk for developing heart disease and having a first heart attack or stroke while also preventing further issues in people who already have cardiovascular disease. Our mission is to optimize your heart health, reducing your risk of disorders like myocardial infarction and heart failure. We achieve this through detailed analysis of your heart profile and tailored strategies that significantly impact your health journey.

Who Should See a Preventive Cardiologist

People most likely to benefit from seeing our preventive cardiology team include those with:

  • A strong family history of heart attack, stroke, or peripheral artery disease
  • A personal history of cardiovascular disease, especially in people younger than 60
  • Difficult-to-control risk factors for atherosclerosis, particularly significant cholesterol disorders
  • Controllable risk factors, such as:
    – High blood pressure
    – High blood sugar or diabetes
    – Obesity, especially with excess abdominal fat
    – Smoking
    – Unhealthy diet
    – Lack of exercise/sedentary lifestyle
  • Uncontrollable risk factors, such as:
    – Gender: Men are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease than women.
    – Age: Older people, including postmenopausal women, are more likely to have heart disease.
    – Race and ethnicity: Heart disease is more prevalent among African-Americans than among Caucasians.
    – Family history of cardiovascular disease


We perform a comprehensive set of tests tailored to your individual needs. These tests, combined with an evaluation of your risk factors with special attention to lifestyle choices, nutrition, exercise, and family history provide a detailed picture of your metabolic health.

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Cancer Risk Prevention

Know your cancer risk and focus on early detection & prevention

Our primary goal with the Cancer Risk Assessment Module is to empower you with a comprehensive understanding of your cancer risks, focusing on early detection and prevention. Cancer is a leading cause of mortality globally, and early identification of risk factors can be pivotal in effective management and prevention.
Cancer risk is multifactorial, influenced by genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Our module offers personalized insights, bridging the gap often found in conventional healthcare approaches, and provides a targeted strategy for cancer prevention based on your unique profile.

WHAT ARE TYPICAL RECOMMENDATIONS?Based on your assessment, we provide personalized recommendations, such as:
– Lifestyle modifications to reduce cancer risks (e.g., diet, exercise, smoking cessation).
– Regular, tailored screening schedules for early detection of cancer.
– Preventive interventions, including vaccines and pharmacological agents where appropriate.


This offering is designed for anyone who wants to take an informed and proactive approach to their cancer risk. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with a family history of cancer or other risk factors. You’ll gain valuable insights into your cancer risks and learn how to navigate the prevention of them.

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Stroke Prevention

The most effective way to reduce stroke mortality is to prevent a stroke from occurring, to begin with. From healthy living tips to co-morbidity management, it all factors into stroke prevention.

The goal is to achieve optimal vascular health for you, thus minimizing your risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral artery disease. We do this with analysis of your risk factors and personalized strategies that make the biggest impact on your journey.
Stroke is a frequent cause of significant morbidity and poor quality of life. Because the formation of plaques in your arteries is a cumulative injury over time, the sooner you start to mitigate your risk with early intervention, the better. Insurance-driven traditional primary care is often not sufficient, and these additional advanced tests are critical.


We combine advanced laboratory testings along with regular at-home blood pressure records. These tests are combined with an evaluation of your personal risk factors with special attention to lifestyle choices, nutrition, exercise, and genetics.

Who Should Seek Stroke prevention?

  • A strong family history of heart attack, stroke, or peripheral artery disease
  • A personal history of cardiovascular disease, especially in people younger than 60
  • Difficult-to-control risk factors for atherosclerosis, particularly significant cholesterol disorders
  • Controllable risk factors, such as:
    – High blood pressure
    – High blood sugar or diabetes
    – Obesity, especially with excess abdominal fat
    – Smoking
    – Unhealthy diet
    – Lack of exercise/sedentary lifestyle

Uncontrollable risk factors, such as:
– Gender: Men are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease than women.
– Age: Older people, including postmenopausal women, are more likely to have heart disease.
– Race and ethnicity: Heart disease is more prevalent among African-Americans than among Caucasians.
– Family history of cardiovascular disease

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Diabetes Prevention

Optimize your metabolic health, reducing your risk of disorders like diabetes and metabolic syndrome. We achieve this through analysis of your metabolic profile and tailored strategies that significantly impact your health journey.
Traditional primary care may not fully assess metabolic health. Our advanced metabolic care fills this gap by offering personalized strategies for comprehensive metabolic health management.

We may recommend metabolic health interventions like:

– Lifestyle alterations (balanced, nutrient-dense diets, regular cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises, and quality sleep)
– Pharmaceutical interventions, if appropriate 
– Supplemental options aimed at bolstering metabolic health 

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Body Composition and Obesity

Achieve optimal body composition for health and longevity, thereby enhancing your overall wellness. We do this through a detailed analysis of your body composition and personalized strategies that will have the most impact for you.

Body composition provides a better perspective on health than weight or BMI alone. It includes aspects like body fat percentage, muscle mass, bone mineral density, and visceral fat. Accurate measurement of these factors allows for precise health assessments and interventions.

We tailor treatment recommendations based on unique needs and circumstances. These personalized plans aim to optimize body composition, reduce disease risks, and boost overall health, fitness, and well-being. With the help of our physicians, you will have a definitive measurement of your body composition with an advanced scan and tools to optimize this key factor in overall health and wellness.